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BSA: AI Act Helps Build Trust in Artificial Intelligence

BSA Welcomes Risk-Based Approach in Landmark EU Agreement

BRUSSELS – Matteo Quattrocchi, Director of Policy – EMEA, for BSA | The Software Alliance, issued the following statement after EU countries’ deputy ambassadors approved the negotiated text of the AI Act:

“BSA | The Software Alliance congratulates the European Union institutions for moving forward towards completion of the AI Act. This represents a significant step in global efforts to build trust in artificial intelligence by establishing risk-based legislative frameworks.

The AI Act reflects several priorities that BSA has advocated globally, adopting a risk-based approach to AI governance and maintaining obligations across the AI value chain tailored to a company’s role. It is particularly important that the AI Act includes a definition of AI in line with the work of international partners, and a concept of risk and risk-based obligations that supports the development and deployment of trustworthy AI.

There is still more work ahead to ensure that the AI Act is implemented well, including through secondary legislation, guidelines, and standards. BSA remains committed to collaborating with the Commission, MEPs, and Member States to address outstanding questions and concerns, in particular with the ambitious timeline set by the Act for compliance and drafting of guidelines supporting companies in their journey to comply with the AI Act.

BSA will also continue its work with governments and institutions globally to advance coordinated policies that build trust in AI, and ultimately promote the adoption of this technology.”

BSA and its members have long been engaged with EU institutions related to the development and adoption of the AI Act. Most recently, BSA outlined its priorities for the conclusion of the Act in a position paper published last year.


BSA | The Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) ist die globale Stimme der Software-Industrie gegenüber Politik und Wirtschaft. Die Mitglieder der BSA gehören zu den innovativsten Unternehmen weltweit und erarbeiten neue Software-Lösungen, die die Wirtschaft antreiben und das moderne Leben von heute prägen.

Die BSA mit Hauptsitz in Washington, D.C., und Niederlassungen in über 30 Ländern weltweit leistet Pionierarbeit in der Schaffung von Programmen zur Einhaltung und Durchsetzung geistiger Eigentumsrechte und der Einführung von Richtlinien, auf deren Basis technologische Innovationen und die digitale Wirtschaft gefördert werden.


Michael O’Brien

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