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BSA Releases Digital Policy Recommendations for France in 2022

France is readying for the EU Council Presidency and an election year. During this influential policy cycle, the French government should advance an open digital strategy in both Paris and Brussels.

BRUSSELS – December 1, 2021 – In a new paper released today, BSA | The Software Alliance outlines its policy recommendations for France in 2022. Advancing digital transformation and deepening the country’s role as a global, European powerhouse should be among the government’s top priorities.

“France will take on several landmark legislative files when it assumes the EU presidency in January,” said Thomas Boué, Director General, Policy – EMEA, at BSA | The Software Alliance. “BSA encourages the French government to do three things at the helm of the Council: keep Europe’s digital rules consistent, clear, and fit for purpose; continue IT modernization across the EU, including in public administrations; and pursue an open approach to digital sovereignty.”

“In addition to the EU presidency, France is gearing up for an election year. As the country enters this new political cycle, BSA also encourages the incoming French government to pursue open digital policies in Paris and Brussels,” Boué added. “European companies in every sector are increasingly leveraging the benefits of data-driven enterprise software to work more efficiently, create jobs, and reinforce their competitiveness. Protecting responsible, international data flows and removing digital trade barriers are therefore key to supporting France and Europe’s digital ecosystem during this period of rapid growth.”

BSA’s full set of recommendations range from coordinating cloud policy at the EU level to improving cybersecurity to bridging the skills gap.

To read “BSA’s Digital Policy Recommendations for France in 2022,” visit: https://www.bsa.org/policy-filings/france-bsas-digital-policy-recommendations-for-france-in-2022


BSA | The Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) ist die globale Stimme der Software-Industrie gegenüber Politik und Wirtschaft. Die Mitglieder der BSA gehören zu den innovativsten Unternehmen weltweit und erarbeiten neue Software-Lösungen, die die Wirtschaft antreiben und das moderne Leben von heute prägen.

Die BSA mit Hauptsitz in Washington, D.C., und Niederlassungen in über 30 Ländern weltweit leistet Pionierarbeit in der Schaffung von Programmen zur Einhaltung und Durchsetzung geistiger Eigentumsrechte und der Einführung von Richtlinien, auf deren Basis technologische Innovationen und die digitale Wirtschaft gefördert werden.


Michael O’Brien

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