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Cross Border Data Flows Enabled Through the Australia-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement

CANBERRA – December 9, 2020 – BSA | The Software Alliance congratulates the government of Australia on the commencement of the Australia-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement. The agreement will support the growth of the Australian digital economy and drive productivity gains by enabling cross-border data flows while protecting security and privacy.

Cross-border data transfers power innovation and growth across all sectors of the economy—from manufacturing and farming to local start-ups and service providers. These data flows are vitally important in modern trade and commerce.

“The AU-SG DEA is an important step towards building a global consensus on data. The free movement of information across borders enables economic growth and job creation, both of which are essential in today’s uncertain economic environment,” said Brian Fletcher, Director, Policy – APAC at BSA | The Software Alliance. “We commend the Australian Government for passing this groundbreaking agreement. This agreement sets a new benchmark, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with the Australian and Singaporean governments on digital trade.”


BSA | The Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) ist die globale Stimme der Software-Industrie gegenüber Politik und Wirtschaft. Die Mitglieder der BSA gehören zu den innovativsten Unternehmen weltweit und erarbeiten neue Software-Lösungen, die die Wirtschaft antreiben und das moderne Leben von heute prägen.

Die BSA mit Hauptsitz in Washington, D.C., und Niederlassungen in über 30 Ländern weltweit leistet Pionierarbeit in der Schaffung von Programmen zur Einhaltung und Durchsetzung geistiger Eigentumsrechte und der Einführung von Richtlinien, auf deren Basis technologische Innovationen und die digitale Wirtschaft gefördert werden.


Michael O’Brien

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