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JAN 20, 2015 | BELGIUM

Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) 2015: Data Protection on the Move

Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) 2015: Data Protection on the Move

More than 1,000 people participated in this agenda-setting conference addressing a wide range of privacy topics in Europe. BSA’s Director of Policy Chris Hopsfensperger spoke during a prominent panel on the US-EU surveillance debate about how BSA’s member companies are at the forefront of the data revolution where protecting user privacy is paramount. He argued that a better balance needs to be achieved with regard to privacy protections and the public interest when it comes to government access to data for national security and law enforcement purposes.  

To view videos from the conference, click here.

For more information, click here.


BSA | The Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) is the leading advocate for the global software industry before governments and in the international marketplace. Its members are among the world’s most innovative companies, creating software solutions that help businesses of all sizes in every part of the economy to modernize and grow.

With headquarters in Washington, DC, and operations in more than 30 countries, BSA pioneers compliance programs that promote legal software use and advocates for public policies that foster technology innovation and drive growth in the digital economy.


Michael O’Brien

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