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MAR 26, 2021 | US

BSA Leads Letter Urging Biden Administration to Prioritize Open Data

WASHINGTON – March 26, 2021 – In a multi-association letter sent today, BSA | The Software Alliance led a group of prominent technology trade associations in calling on the Biden Administration to prioritize open data policies and enhance the government’s data capabilities by appointing a federal Chief Data Officer. Signatories included BSA, the Center for Data Innovation, the Consumer Technology Association, the Information Technology Industry Council, the Internet Association, R Street Institute, the Software & Information Industry Association, TechNet, and the US Chamber Technology Engagement Center (C_TEC).

Open data plays an important role in improving the delivery of government services and addressing urgent public policy challenges. Yet the policy basis for open data efforts – the Open, Public, Electronic and Necessary (OPEN) Government Data Act – has yet to be fully implemented. “The lack of agency guidance has frustrated what was intended to be a lynchpin of the Act, because the ‘evidence building community cannot use data unless there is some way to know that the data exists and where the data is located,’” the groups wrote, adding, “Thus, in keeping with the Administration’s prioritization of open data, we ask that you promptly finalize its implementation.”

In addition to implementing the OPEN Government Data Act, the signatories urged the Administration to appoint a Chief Data Officer, writing: “The success of Administration open data efforts will depend on establishing dedicated senior leadership that is focused on enhancing the use and management of data across government … Given the complicated and sprawling nature of the federal IT environment and the incredible range of data practices across the government, the appointment of a standalone CDO that is singularly focused on enhancing Federal data management practices is long overdue.”

Read the full letter here.



BSA | The Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) est le principal organisme de défense et de promotion de l’industrie du logiciel auprès des administrations gouvernementales et sur le marché international. Ses membres comptent parmi les entreprises les plus innovantes au monde, à l’origine de solutions logicielles qui stimulent l’économie et améliorent la vie moderne.

Basée à Washington, DC et présente dans plus de 30 pays, BSA est pionnière en matière de programmes de conformité qui encouragent l’utilisation légale de logiciels et plaide en faveur de politiques publiques à même de promouvoir l’innovation technologique et de favoriser la croissance économique numérique.


Michael O’Brien

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