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Flood protection has blocked this Solr request. See more at The Acquia Search flood control mechanism has blocked a Solr query due to API usage limits

Jessica Salmoiraghi is Senior Director, IT Modernization and Procurement for BSA | The Software Alliance. In this role, Salmoiraghi leads BSA’s advocacy with the US federal government on IT modernization and procurement issues affecting the enterprise software industry. Leia mais


MAY 24, 2023

Michael O’Brien is Vice President of Global Public Affairs for BSA | The Software Alliance, where he is responsible for worldwide policy and advocacy communications for the global software industry. Leia mais


NOV 01, 2022

Danielle Brown serves as Senior Director, Legislative Strategy. In this role, Brown helps drive BSA’s engagement with Congress on software policy issues affecting our member companies. Leia mais


OCT 19, 2022

Olga Medina serves as Director, Policy with BSA | The Software Alliance. She works with BSA members to advance policy positions in the areas of privacy and cybersecurity. Leia mais


OCT 12, 2022

Shaundra Watson serves as Senior Director, Policy, in Washington, DC, and is responsible for providing counsel and developing policy on key issues for the software industry, with an emphasis on artificial intelligence. Leia mais


SEP 22, 2022

Lilia Stone serves as BSA’s Manager of Strategic Initiatives. In this role, she is responsible for program support to drive global organization growth, member success, and engagement among the world’s most innovative software companies. Leia mais


SEP 22, 2022